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Load and performance testing services

Efficient performance and load testing services are critical for businesses and are especially relevant before sale seasons and Black Fridays, the launch of new products, the start of influential marketing campaigns, and similar events. Web and mobile-based app load times and performance are essential for keeping sales at the desired level and ensuring excellent end-user experiences.

At IT-Magic, we have a proven process, applied technologies, and a settled methodology to provide an in-depth evaluation of system performance. Our load and performance testing services are directed to ensure the stability, performance, and proper function of systems under ongoing stress and unexpected high system loads.

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Our testing services

IT-Magic’s service can help you test, measure, validate, and verify the performance of your AWS operations and system. This process consists of a few performance and load testing services ensuring app stability, speed, and scalability.

Load testing

Load testing services involve checking system behavior under different load variations. As a result, you can define the traffic possible for the system to manage without failures with a particular response time and when it is necessary to scale system capacities to keep up with a growing number of connections. In addition, our team looks for and eliminates weak system points to increase the app response times.

Performance testing

Performance testing services aim to investigate the system’s stability, reliability, speed, and sensitivity to make sure that web and mobile-based apps, networks, internal software, etc., are operating as expected in different situations and under different working conditions. Furthermore, we help set a solid performance testing strategy in line with the organization’s needs with regular monitoring and reporting of metrics, 24/7 operation, and more.

Scalability testing

As your performance and load testing company, we will evaluate the system capacities regarding scalability and increased loads. The scalability test will measure the point when the AWS system becomes ineffective in scaling its powers in line with the load and help resolve the issue. With these findings at hand, you can plan for growth and optimize your hardware resources while making your system flexible and easily scalable once necessary.

Stress testing

As part of our load testing services, we conduct testing to measure your system’s or app’s most extraordinary peak load capabilities to identify the limit of its durability until a failure occurs. This extreme system load helps to predict and plan potential strikes in traffic and connections so that the system can endure them successfully.

Benefits of load testing services

Increase business stability icon

Increase business stability

Once you have conducted mobile or website load testing services correctly, you can better understand the bottlenecks in the code or infrastructure. As a result, it is possible to tune up your AWS system and its elements to keep them stable, reliable, and responsive under any load or number of system connections.

Detect defects before real users do icon

Detect defects before real users do

It is always better to identify problems before the end-user experiences a page load time of more than 3 seconds, leaves the site, or even ends up with an inaccessible webpage. For any business, losing just one client can lead to losing 10 more and a fall in customer retention. This means you should take care of potential defects in advance by performing load testing.

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Get real-life performance insight

Our team recognizes and carries out performance testing scenarios that are close to realistic cases for web and mobile-based apps before their market launch. We also perform load testing of web services and other software after any changes have been made to the code or before a predicted increase in traffic and service demand.

Achieve outstanding system performance icon

Achieve outstanding system performance

As part of our performance and load testing services, we offer intelligent monitoring and regular reporting on test results. We use mature monitoring systems and automatic frameworks to track performance and any system performance changes and predict and react to any issue.

Does your business require all-around load and performance testing services?

Contact IT-Magic for a personalized consultation to identify real business needs regarding technology. We can provide you with a solid understanding of system performance followed by the elimination of weaknesses.


Here is the list of technologies used for load and performance testing at IT-Magic

Why do clients choose us?

AWS certified

IT-Magic is a certified AWS Advanced Consulting Partner. We have earned this status due to the hard work during our 10+ years on the market and many other AWS certifications passed prior. Our team never stops learning and advancing their professionalism in the field of AWS. We will gladly share our experience and expertise with you and find the right AWS solutions for your business.

AWS solutions provided to 100+ businesses

IT-Magic has worked with numerous companies of all sizes and from many industries. We have provided personalized AWS solutions to every of them, including performance and load testing services, based on their requirements and needs. The solutions we offer can save AWS costs on maintenance and teams or bring higher business revenue.

Industry-leading SLA & 24/7 emergency support

If you choose the option of 24/7 AWS infrastructure support, we will ensure the top quality of the service according to the accepted SLA. This presupposes that we will answer emergency calls within 5 minutes and fix issues within 30 minutes. For the record, we have resolved 100% of issues reported by our clients over the years of our existence.

Handling >800TB of traffic for one client per month

It doesn't matter whether you are a startup or a big ecommerce store with millions of monthly users, we will handle your business under any conditions. It is not a problem for IT-Magic to deal with over 800TB of traffic for one client alone. Our team can ensure the stability and security of such an AWS system to maximize its uptime and response time for a great user experience.

Fourteen years - the average experience of our IT specialists

At IT-Magic, we take care not only of the tech part of your business but also of the financial aspect. We hire only senior or middle AWS specialists who do their jobs faster and more professionally. To ensure the greater cost-efficiency of your services, we assign high-priority tasks to senior DevOps engineers and standard tasks to mid-level specialists.

Free security and budget-saving audits

We offer free security and budget-saving audits for you to see the level of our expertise and get acquainted with our approach. During these audits, we analyze your AWS infrastructure and account and make a report with our conclusions and recommended improvements. These audits usually help us understand what further actions are required and how to build an IT strategy for your business.

Seven years - average project duration

At IT-Magic, we always build transparent and long-lasting relationships with our clients - 9 out of 10 customers work with us for 7 years, on average. We also have clients who have cooperated with us since 2010 and still entrust the management of their AWS infrastructure to our team. These clients are completely satisfied with our services and recommend IT-Magic to others.

One of our DevOps engineers can replace 20 full-time admins

One of our ecommerce projects employed 60 system administrators, and yet the system kept crashing regularly. Our DevOps team of three engineers migrated their IT infrastructure to the AWS cloud from bare metal servers and set up a scalable and cost-effective system. We still support the project and ensure 99.99% marketplace uptime, even during peak loads.

Other IT-Magic services

Aside from system, app, and web service load testing, our team offers a full range of AWS services to help your business with effective daily operation. We can help you innovate and optimize your IT systems to bring your organization to the next level of function

Our load and performance testing experts

Alexander Abgaryan

Artem Marakhovskyi

Artem Yefimov

Yevhenii Novikov

Viacheslav Butacov

Dmytro Zhyvotovskyi


Performance testing is the analysis of the overall performance of a system and/or software in terms of speed, reliability, robustness, stability, and responsiveness. This testing type is conducted under a particular workload and number of connections, which is usually based on the typical load for the business.

Load testing services are responsible for checking system function during peak traffic and when multiple users try to access the system simultaneously. Load testing uses techniques to understand the peak operating capacities of software, as well as to determine system bottlenecks and then resolve the elements causing these issues.

Once you are utilizing load and performance testing services in your organization, expect to reap many advantages. Initially, you minimize the cost of failure, which means that the earlier you define the issue in the system’s performance, the less it will damage the business. In addition, load testing allows you to test web and mobile-based apps before launching to the market and will not negatively affect the user experience and, thus, service reputation and customer retention.

If the system does not sustain an increased number of users, load testing helps to improve scalability and remove limitations in capacities, thus ensuring service availability 99.99% of the time. In addition, studies state that load and performance testing services remove the issue of system downtime during which companies may lose millions of dollars in just a few minutes.

Finally, load testing allows for the identification of code inefficiencies and hidden bugs. Errors and bugs can significantly affect web and mobile-based apps, and it is possible to eliminate them in advance.

If you need a reliable load and performance testing company to fulfill a tech performance analysis for your organization, keep in mind a few vital points. First, summarize your selection criteria, business and tech requirements, and prepare a list of questions for the interview process. Secondly, during any personal conversations, pay attention to the team’s involvement, communication flow, transparency, and ability to add value.

You may search for a potential AWS vendor on the net and check platforms like Clutch, SoftwareWorld, and similar sites that list the top AWS vendors. There, you may use custom filters like the company’s location, hourly rates, your budget, industry, etc. Then check out the information on the companies available online like their portfolio, years on the market, former clients, tech specialization, capabilities, and similar criteria.

By having a list of requirements or a document prepared beforehand, you can fill out the information about each load testing company and compare easily. As a result, you can finalize your decision based on 3-4 of the most suitable companies.

In the next phase, you may contact them one by one and assess their level of involvement, clarity regarding the processes, and communication. Here you may ask your list of questions and check how the team answers them. You should definitely ask about the internal processes, approaches to security, methodologies used, reactions to critical issues, specifics of ongoing support, etc.

IT-Magic delivers a full range of AWS infrastructure and management services, including load testing services, at reasonable costs. First, you will receive a personalized consultation service for free, a detailed report on the security audit, an audit of your AWS account, and an analysis of the existing IT system. We strive to deliver a custom service to help you reach your goals and optimize your resources. Note that we never experiment with your budget and apply only proven technologies and methodologies that have been used on many other prior projects.

Our team has been trusted by many clients – with some, we have worked together since 2010. Due to our expertise and professionalism, nine out of 10 clients stay with IT-Magic for at least 7 years. You can address us for a complex service like AWS architecture set-up from scratch which can take from 2 weeks to 3 months.

In addition, the service we offer includes a clear support package with a predefined SLA level. We follow industry benchmarks and react to emergency calls within 5 minutes and provide critical business issue resolution within 30 minutes. It is worth pointing out that 100% of important issues were closed out on time within all the years that IT-Magic has been at work.

We employ only the top 1% of tech professionals across the market, all with around 14 years of experience. In addition, all of our workers regularly undergo new tech training and complete lie detector testing with a polygraph to ensure that we are keeping our clients’ internal and project data secure. Finally, once you are our client, you may get a 30% discount on AWS hosting.

Does your business experience issues with AWS system performance?

Contact IT-Magic so we can help you properly conduct load and performance testing in real-life cases so that you can better understand how to improve and scale your business.
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